Privacy Policy TEG:

  • Welcome to Talent Experts Global (TEG) we esteem and value the security and privacy of our every single visitor, and every individual who visits our Website.
  • This security methodology portrays how Job Seekers’ and Employers’ own data is assembled, used, and shared when you visit our site
  • This Policy depicts how gather, process, use, share and secure the individual data you give during the visit. TEG is not asking for any additional information during the visit to our website.
  • It additionally portrays your decisions with respect to utilize, access, and rectification of your own data, we respect the privacy of our visitor and try at our maximum level to secure the information.
  • For motivations behind this Policy, individual data will mean any data connecting with a recognized or recognizable regular individual.
  • is connected with different sites of managers which have no immediate control and TEG isn’t answerable for the protection strategies and practices of the connected sites.
  • You can follow the security strategies of the concerned sites prior to sharing your own data to them.
  • Companies and concerning Managers related to our site might furnish us with work email locations of their representatives for use to send an email requesting that those workers leave sincere surveys of the business on the Platform.
  • This Privacy Policy applies just to our web-based exercises and is legitimate for guests to our site concerning the data that they shared as well as gathering in
  • For any further information regarding privacy policy of TEG you can reach us at


  • TEG could assemble the going with sorts of information to give the full extent of organizations. That might possibly incorporate work, and stay aware of our site.
  • Encourage new things, organizations, components, and value, either clearly or through one of our accessories, including for client care, to outfit you with revives and different information interfacing with the site, and for displaying and particular purposes
  • Send you messages on your given email id for the accessibility of occupations cautions.
  • Information of our Users – When our client seek after a record or another groundwork of TEG that requires selection, we will ask you for explicit individual information, for instance, your name, email address, postal area, phone numbers, fax numbers, public id number, age, enlightening nuances, work experience including past chief, affiliations, capacities and recreation exercises, etc.
  • For Jobseeker – TEG goes along with you to the organizations and available situations watching out.
  • Exactly when you pursue a position your resume is immediately transported off that Employer either on the web or through email dependent upon the tendencies of the Employer.
  • Talent Experts Global Cookies – When you visit or a few different organizations introduced by TEG, we could gather a portion of the fundamental required data.
  • Changes in TEG Privacy Statement – Please note that this Privacy Policy could change every so often.


  • All names of organizations referenced in this website are only for jobs advertisement purposes, we provide information for the latest available positions across the globe. 
  • Utilization of any term on this site ought not be taken as influencing the legitimacy of any brand name or administration mark.
  • Note that has no admittance to or command over these treats that are utilized by outsider promoters.
  • Outsider Privacy Policies
  •’s Privacy Policy doesn’t have any significant bearing to different sponsors or sites. In this way, we are encouraging you to counsel the individual Privacy Policies of these outsider promotion servers for more definite data. It might incorporate their practices and guidelines about how to quit specific choices.
  • TEG will go for an agreement with the clients for explicit hirings, with the standard agreements of the agreement of understanding according to law of land.
  • We work straightforwardly with you (client), with our market associations and with our wide data set of candidates who apply with us.
  • The content of Talent experts global policy is subject to change and we may change and update this policy on a time to time basis.


For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at

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